Showing 76 - 100 of 10,580 Results
The Red and the Black: A Novel of Post-Napoleonic France by Stendhal, Marie Henri 'Sten... ISBN: 9780871401489 List Price: $13.95
Discourses of Domination Racial Bias in the Canadian English-Language Press by Henry, Frances, Tator, Carol ISBN: 9780802084576 List Price: $33.95
Short Chain Fatty Acids Proceedings of the 73rd Falk Symposium Held in Strasbourg, France, 8... by Cummings, John, Binder, Hen... ISBN: 9780792388494 List Price: $189.00
Social Change in Modern France Towards a Cultural Anthropology of the Fifth Republic by Mendras, Henri, Cole, Alistair ISBN: 9780521399982 List Price: $37.99
Henry IV King of France by Buisseret, David ISBN: 9780044456353 List Price: $19.95
Credit System in France, Great Britain, and the United States by Carey, Henry Charles ISBN: 9781275641624 List Price: $20.75
L'lgie en France Avant le Romantisme de Parny Lamartine, 1778-1820 (French Edition) by Henri, Potez ISBN: 9781116694277 List Price: $43.99
History of Henry IV, King of France and Navarre: Makers of History by Abbott, John S. C. ISBN: 9781605208220 List Price: $37.95
History of Henry IV, King of France and Navarre: Makers of History by Abbott, John S. C. ISBN: 9781605207759 List Price: $16.95
Martin's History of France. The Decline of the French Monarchy ... Translated from the fourt... by Bon Louis Henri Martin, Mar... ISBN: 9781241461775 List Price: $43.75
Histoire De La Ligue Sous Les Rgnes De Henri Iii Et Henri Iv, Ou, Quinze Annes De L'histoire... by Chalambert, Victor de ISBN: 9781172712342 List Price: $44.75
France, social, literary, political. by William Henry Bulwer ISBN: 9781241332358 List Price: $33.75
On the State of Society in France before the Revolution of 1789; and on the courses which le... by Charles Alexis Henri Mauric... ISBN: 9781241450540 List Price: $42.75
Histoire de la Compagnie de Jsus en France: des origines la suppression, (1528-1762) Volume... by Fouqueray Henri 1860-1927 ISBN: 9781172711154 List Price: $49.75
Histoire de la Compagnie de Jsus en France: des origines la suppression, (1528-1762) Volume... by Fouqueray Henri 1860-1927 ISBN: 9781172717309 List Price: $47.75
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